Message from The Dean
The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in April 1950 as the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences within the Faculty of Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine, however, first saw the Kuroda domain establish an educational institution for western medicine called "Sanseikan" in 1867. Based on this institution, the Meiji government created Kyoto Imperial University Fukuoka Medical College in April, 1903. After that, Kyushu Imperial University was set up in January, 1911, and Kyoto Imperial University Fukuoka Medical College became Kyushu Imperial University Medical College in April of that year. Then, the Medical College was renamed as Kyushu Imperial University Faculty of Medicine. After the Second World War, it became the Faculty of Medicine of Kyushu University in October, 1947. It is from such history that the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, within the Faculty of Medicine, was established in April, 1950. Finally, the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences became independent with the addition of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. As a result, pharmaceutical students used to study with medical students in the same classroom, and the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is now closely related in both research and education to the Faculty of Medicine. Thus, it can be said that the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences originally began from 1867.
Since that time, the Department of General Pharmaceutical Sciences built in 1999 was reorganized into two departments in April, 2006: the Department of Medical Sciences (four-year program) and the Department of Clinical Pharmacy (six-year program).
The Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
After the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Graduate Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in April 1953, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was added in 1968, and the Department of Medico-pharmaceutical Sciences was founded in 1992, which was the first approach within national universities. As a result, a total of three departments were offered in the Graduate Division. However, Kyushu University reconstructed the Graduate School education and research systems due to the government policies since 1999, and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences was reorganized into two departments: the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and the Department of Medicinal Sciences, as it is still known today. The research body to which the Faculty members belong became known as the "Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences" and the educational body to which the undergraduate students belong is called "School", while the graduate students belong to the "Graduate School".
For Applicants who Wish to Study at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
As described above, learning pharmaceutical sciences offers great possibilities to broaden your social activities. If you're interested in what we can offer, please visit our website, which shows you how diligently we work on the research of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical care. The participation in this research will bring you really a lot of surprise and pleasure. We all promise to support you to achieve your goals through the implementation of such research and education. If you feel this is something you wish to be a part of, please join us to study pharmaceutical sciences.
For Students Studying Pharmaceutical Sciences
Some students in the undergraduate or graduate school of pharmaceutical sciences may have forgotten their passion since enrollment here, due to the workload of lectures, practical trainings, and research. However, I want you to ask yourself why you are here learning pharmaceutical sciences, and to think about your life. Not every life is the same, and as such there are no one set of rules that should be followed. Life is irreplaceable, so I hope you design your life with your own values. Some may not be able to find a meaning for life without contributing to society. Pharmaceutical sciences is suitable for such people as it does myself because it enables you to be aware and really feeling that you are contributing to society. Thus, I believe that you will achieve a degree of satisfaction in life through the education here. It is also important to appreciate your parents, who support you to study at a university. A university is one of the places to gain experience for life; everyone, including academics, continues to grow and develop together.
For Alumni and Others who Support Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyushu University
The undergraduate and graduate school of pharmaceutical sciences are facing various problems never experienced before; such as adjusting to the parallel implementation of the four-year and six-year programs, having to address many unsolved issues due to the reorganization of national universities to University Corporations in our country, the decrease in the number of prospective students due to a declining birthrate, and the reduction in the payroll and the increase in the workload for each person due to our nation's financial situations and ones attributed to Kyushu University itself. We need to think of innovative solutions to survive ourselves in such difficult situations; otherwise, pharmaceutical sciences will be suffered. We need to ask for your support in the continued development of this academe with long history protected, and we would very much appreciate it if you could offer us any opinions and/or cooperation. We will be updating our activities online as well, so please check in regularly to see the latest developments. Thank you.